dimanche 28 août 2022

Can I use __LINE__ or __FILE__ in inline function in C++?

I faced a problem while implementing the logger.

First, I used to LINE and FILE with standard C Macro function like below

// global.h
namespace MyLogger {

class Logger
    void _write(int _level, const char* _file, int _line, const char* _fmt, ...);
static Logger    logger;

}; // namespace MyLogger


// avoid conflict..
#undef error
#undef trace

#define error(_MESSAGE_, ...) _write(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (const char*)__FILE__, (int)__LINE__, (const char*)_MESSAGE_, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define info(_MESSAGE_, ...)  _write(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,  (const char*)__FILE__, (int)__LINE__, (const char*)_MESSAGE_, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define trace(_MESSAGE_, ...) _write(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, (const char*)__FILE__, (int)__LINE__, (const char*)_MESSAGE_, ##__VA_ARGS__)

// main.cpp

using namespace MyLogger;

// using like this
logger.error("- log error");
logger.info("- log info %s", "test 1");

In fact, it seems to work well. However, the problem occurred while using openv.

error and trace seem to conflicted with error and trace in opencv.

error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ [build] CV_EXPORTS CV_NORETURN void error(int _code, const String& _err, const char* _func, const char* _file, int _line);

So I'm thinking about other methods using inline functions, not macros.

// global.h
    //void _write(int _level, const char* _file, int _line, const char* _fmt, ...);
    static inline void error(/* Is it possible to toss __LINE__ or __FILE__ ? */);
    static inline void info(/* .. */);
    static inline void trace(/* .. */);

// main.cpp
logger::error("- log error");
logger::info("%d %c %f, 1, 'A', '0.1');

Can I know the line or file of the location where the log was output through a method other than a macro?

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