dimanche 6 novembre 2022

C++ Tree node recursion

How does the recursion work for the function provided?

struct tree
    int value;
    struct tree* left;
    struct tree* right;

void recursion(tree* head)
    if (head != NULL)
        cout << head->value << endl;

int main()
    tree* head;
    tree* newNode = new(struct tree);

    newNode->value = 2;
    newNode->left = NULL;
    newNode->right = NULL;

    head = newNode;

    newNode = new(struct tree);
    newNode->value = 1;
    newNode->left = NULL;
    newNode->right = NULL;

    head->left = newNode;

    newNode = new(struct tree);
    newNode->value = 3;
    newNode->left = NULL;
    newNode->right = NULL;

    head->right = newNode;


    return 0;


Traversing through the tree node with the recursion() function, during recursion(head->left) inside the function, when it finally hits NULL does the end of that state of recursion become 'head->value' and use the cout << head->value << endl; line of code to print 1? Vice versa for recursion(head->right)? I'm having a hard time understanding how exactly the last left node is being printed granted i'm only using cout for the head->value node.

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