jeudi 13 juillet 2023

C++ template specialization depending of Enum value [closed]

I have a class with a templated method taking several type of data. Depending of enum value, this class call several listeners. Currently I shall propagate the types into the listeners even if they does not use the data.

In each listener I want to have only methods for the data it needs.

I want to specialize template depending of an enum value: Something like this:

struct FooA{};
struct FooB{};

enum class Listener_T : int8_t

struct ListenerA
   void doSpecificToA(FooA value){};

struct ListenerB
   void doSpecificToB(FooB value){};

struct Generic
   ListenerA lstA;
   ListenerB lstB;

   template <typename Data, Listener_T Enum>
   typename std::enable_if<(Enum == Listener_T::E_1) && (std::is_same<Data, FooA>::value), void>::type doSomething(Data data, Listener_T enumLst)

   template <typename Data, Listener_T Enum>
   typename std::enable_if<(Enum == Listener_T::E_2) && (std::is_same<Data, FooB>::value), void>::type doSomething(Data data, Listener_T enumLst)

   template<typename Data>
   void doOnData(Data data, Listener_T enumLst)
      doSomething(data, enumLst);

int main()
FooA a;
FooA b;
Generic g;

g.doOnData(a, Listener_T::E_1);
g.doOnData(b, Listener_T::E_2);



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