mercredi 5 juillet 2023

How can I pass by reference considering inheritance?

Here's my scenario (notice the code I can edit, the code I cannot):

#include <iostream>

// the follow is untouchable (from sdk)
struct Base { };

template <class TParamQuantity = Base>
TParamQuantity* configParam(int paramId) { }

// the follow is my code (can edit as I want)
struct BaseParamScaler { };
struct LogParamScaler : BaseParamScaler { };

template <BaseParamScaler &T>
struct QRange : Base { };

LogParamScaler gLogParamScaler;

int main()

What I'd like to know is being able to pass BaseParamScaler (and its childs) to configParam template method (which come from sdk).

Is there any way of doing this in C++11? Or how would you do this in some fancy way?

Note: if pass by point/value/whatever is permitted, I can do that way. But I believe stay with template is mandatory, having configParam working with them.

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