mercredi 25 février 2015

Initialization during a pointer cast?

If I define a derived class which has initializers, but end up using pointer casts (i.e. static_pointer_cast), how can I get the initializers to be performed without performing dereference and then an object copy?

#include <string>
#include <memory>

class Base {
std::string Name;

class Derived : public Base {
std::string Address = "Initialized";

int main() {
auto b_ptr = std::make_shared<Base>();
b_ptr->Name = "Fred";

auto d_ptr = std::static_pointer_cast<Derived>(b_ptr);

fprintf( stdout, "Name: [%s] Address: [%s]",
d_ptr->Address.c_str() ); // Address not valid!

Link to code:

What is the proper way to handle this?

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