mercredi 25 février 2015

Is pass by value that much faster?

I've heard that you should always prefer "pass by value" in C++11 because of the introduction of move semantics. I wanted to see what the hype was all about and constructed a test case. First my class:

struct MyClass {
MyClass() { }
MyClass(const MyClass&) { std::cout << "Copy construct" << std::endl; }
MyClass(MyClass&&) { std::cout << "Move construct" << std::endl; }
~MyClass() { }

And the test harness:

class Test
void pass_by_lvalue_ref(const MyClass& myClass)

void pass_by_rvalue_ref(MyClass&& myClass)

void pass_by_value(MyClass myClass)
std::vector<MyClass> _MyClass;

Presumably, pass_by_value should outperform pass_by_lvalue_ref and pass_by_rvalue_ref (together, not separately).

int main()
MyClass myClass;
Test Test;
std::cout << "--lvalue_ref--\n";
std::cout << "--rvalue_ref--\n";
std::cout << "--value - lvalue--\n";
std::cout << "--value - rvalue--\n";

This is my output on GCC 4.9.2 with -O2:

Copy construct
Move construct
Copy construct
--value - lvalue--
Copy construct
Move construct
Copy construct
Copy construct
--value - rvalue--
Move construct

As you can see, the non-pass_by_value functions requires a total of 2 copy constructs and 1 move construct. The pass_by_value function requires a total of 3 copy constructs and 2 move constructs. It looks like that, as expected, the object is going to be copied anyway, so why does everyone say pass by value?

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