mercredi 25 février 2015

Shift elements to the left of a SIMD register based on boolean mask

This question is related to this: Optimal uint8_t bitmap into a 8 x 32bit SIMD "bool" vector

I would like to create an optimal function with this signature:

_256 PackLeft(_m256 inputVector, _m256 boolVector);

The desired behaviour is that on an input like this:

inputVector = {42, 17, 13, 3}

boolVector = {true, false, true, false}

It masks all values that have false in the boolVector and then repacks the values that remain to the left. On the output above, the return value should be:

{42, 13, , }

An obvious way to do this is the use _mm_movemask_epi8 to get a 8 byte int out of the bool vector, look up the shuffle mask in a table and then do a shuffle with the mask.

However, I would like to avoid a lookup table if possible. Is there a faster solution?

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