samedi 28 mars 2015

Checking whether a function (not a method) exists in c++11 via templates

So with SFINAE and c++11, it is possible to implement two different template functions based on whether one of the template parameters can be substituted.

For example

struct Boo{
void saySomething(){ cout << "Boo!" << endl; }

template<class X>
void makeitdosomething(decltype(&X::saySomething), X x){

template<class X>
void makeitsaysomething(int whatever, X x){
cout << "It can't say anything!" << endl;

int main(){

or something along that line.

My question is.. how does one do the same thing, but for non-member functions?

In particular I'm trying to check if there's such thing as an:

operator<<(std::ostream& os, X& whateverclass);

that exists. Is it possible to test it?

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