lundi 30 mars 2015

Varying case-insensitive string comparisons performance

So, my phd project relies on a piece of software I've been building for nearly 3 years. It runs, its stable (It doesn't crash or throw exceptions) and I'm playing with the release version of it. And I've come to realise that there is a huge performance hit, because I'm relying too much on boost::iequals. I know, there's a lot of on SO about this, this is not a question on how to do it, but rather why is this happening. Consider the following:

#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

void posix_str ( )
std::string s1 = "Alexander";
std::string s2 = "Pericles";
std::cout << "POSIX strcasecmp: " << strcasecmp( s1.c_str(), s2.c_str() ) << std::endl;

void boost_str ( )
std::string s1 = "Alexander";
std::string s2 = "Pericles";
std::cout << "boost::iequals: " << boost::iequals( s1, s2 ) << std::endl;

int main ( )
return 0;

I put this through valgrind and cachegrind, and to my suprise, boost is 4 times slower than the native posix or the std (which appears to be using the same posix) methods. Four times, now that is a lot, even considering that C++ offers a nice safety net. Why is that? I would really like other people to run this, and explain to me, what makes such a performance hit. Is it all the allocations (seems to be from the caller map). I'm not dissing on boost, I love it and use it everywhere and anywhere.

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