dimanche 29 novembre 2015

i got error C2027 and error C2227

There are some errors in functions Call::NewCall,Call::FreeCall

This is my code:

    class ObjectPool :public CriticalSection //
    T * pool = nullptr;
    unsigned __int32 size;
    __int64 next_free;
    std::vector<T *>free_objects;
    ObjectPool(unsigned __int32 _size) :size(_size), next_free(size - 1);   
    T * GetUnusedObject();
    void FreeObject(T * obj_to_free);

struct Call
    IX * ix;
        Call(IX * _ix) :ix(_ix){...}
    static Call * NewCall(IX * _ix)
        Call * new_call = _ix->call_pool->GetUnusedObject();
        return new_call;
    static void FreeCall(Call * call_to_free)
class IX
    ObjectPool<Call> * call_pool;
    ObjectPool<Session> * session_pool;
        call_pool = new ObjectPool<Call>(calls_pool_size);
        session_pool = new ObjectPool<Session>(calls_pool_size);
        delete call_pool;
        delete session_pool;

Errors: see declaration of 'IX'

error C2227: left of '->call_pool' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

error C2227: left of '->GetUnusedObject' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

error C2027: use of undefined type 'IX'

see declaration of 'IX'

Thanks a lot;

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