samedi 28 novembre 2015

Using swap inside assignment move operator

I c++ programming language 13.6.2 std::swap is used to implement move semantics the idea is below:

class deutscheSchweine{
  deutscheSchweine& operator=(const deutscheSchweine& other){
   deutscheSchweine tmp;
   swap(*this, tmp);
   return *this;
  deutscheSchweine(deutscheSchweine&& other){}
  deutscheSchweine& operator=(deutscheSchweine&& other){
   swap(*this, other);
   return *this;

int main(){
deutscheSchweine ds;
deutscheSchweine ds2;
ds2 = ds;

I above example after calling assignment we can use move semantics to avid copying from temporary, but this example causes recursively calling move assignment. My question is can we use swap in move semantics but in some proper way?

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