lundi 27 juin 2016

C++ Standard for Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to install MongoDB driver and is reading this following section

SCons Options when Compiling the C++ Driver

Select options as appropriate for your environment. Please note that some flags may not be available on older versions.

Important note about C++11/C++14: The boost libraries do not offer a stable ABI across different versions of the C++ standard. As a result, you must ensure that your application, the C++ driver, and boost are all built with the same language standard. In particular, if you are building the C++ driver with C++11 enabled, you must also build your application with C++11 enabled, and link against a C++11 compiled boost. Note that on most systems, the system or package installed boost distribution is not built with C++11, and is therefore incompatible with a C++11 build of the legacy driver.

Important note about the C++ standard library: Much like the C++11 issues, it is again critical that all three components (your application, boost, and the C++ driver) be built against the same C++ runtime library. You cannot mix components that have linked against libc++ with those that have linked against libstdc++.

Important 26compat Note: If you are using the 26compat branch, the install-mongoclient target is only enabled when the --full flag is provided. Similarly, you must use the --use-system-boost flag when building 26compat.*

My main question, I am trying to find out what standard my visual studio 2015 is running on when I build solution. I have tried to read around but I think I misunderstood the concept of C++11 and C++14. On Microsoft page it mentioned that VS2015 supports C++11,C++14 and C++17. But how do I know what am I using now? I can't find a way to explicitly configure. I am new to C++ and have been coding Java for many years. C++ is confusing to me because there are so many variety such as compilers and standards. Please help me understand and possibly find out what standard I am running.

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