jeudi 30 juin 2016

C++11: Why result_of can accept functor type as lvalue_reference, but not function type as lvalue_reference?

I've got program below:

using namespace std;
template <class F, class R = typename result_of<F()>::type>
R call(F& f) { return f(); }

struct S {
    double operator()(){return 0.0;}
int f(){return 1;}
int main()
    S obj;
    return 0;

It fails to compile in the line of "call(f)". It's weird that "call(obj)" is OK.

(1) I've a similar post in another thread C++11 result_of deducing my function type failed. But it doesn't tell why functor objects are OK while functions are not.

(2) I'm not sure if this is related to "R call(F& f)": a function type cannot declare a l-value?

(3) As long as I know, any token with a name, like variable/function, should be considered a l-value. And in the case of function parameter, compiler should "decay" my function name "f" to a function pointer, right?

(4) This is like decaying an array and pass it to a function----And a function pointer could be an l-value, then what's wrong with "call(F& f)"?

Would you help to give some further explanations on "why" is my case, where did I get wrong? Thanks.

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