lundi 31 octobre 2016

C++11 alias templates

I ran to some problems with c++11 alias templates. As you can see below, I want to create an alias to A::B from class C. Before instantiation is made the compiler (gcc 6.1) cannot assert that V has a member type B, therefore giving the error:

error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token  
template<typename ValueT> using B = typename V::B<ValueT>;

Does not his go against the usual way templates are dealt with in C++, that is assuming that the template type provides all necessary functionalities until proven otherwise by an instantiation?

template<typename T> class A{
    T a;
    template <typename ValueT> class B {
        ValueT b;

template <typename V = A<int>> class C {
    template<typename ValueT> using B = typename V::B<ValueT>;

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