mardi 29 novembre 2016

C++11 issue with GTest

I am writing unit tests for an application. I have some exceptions in a constructor, so I wrote this:

TEST(Tablier, ConstructeurParamInvalide2)
    ASSERT_THROW(Tablier t_tablier{10, 65} , PreconditionException);

When I write this, it seems the macro ASSERT_THROW is not satisfied and the test fails. Here is the macro expansion:

switch (0) case 0: default: \
  if (::testing::internal::ConstCharPtr gtest_msg = "") { \
    bool gtest_caught_expected = false; \
    try { \
      if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { Tablier t_tablier{10; }; \
    } \
    catch (65} const&) { \
      gtest_caught_expected = true; \
    } \
    catch (...) { \
      gtest_msg.value = \
          "Expected: " "Tablier t_tablier{10" " throws an exception of type " \
          "65}" ".\n  Actual: it throws a different type."; \
      goto gtest_label_testthrow_76; \
    } \
    if (!gtest_caught_expected) { \
      gtest_msg.value = \
          "Expected: " "Tablier t_tablier{10" " throws an exception of type " \
          "65}" ".\n  Actual: it throws nothing."; \
      goto gtest_label_testthrow_76; \
    } \
  } else \
    gtest_label_testthrow_76: \
      return ::testing::internal::AssertHelper(::testing::TestPartResult::kFatalFailure, "/home/eric/Programming/cpp/Puissance4/pxTestsUnitaires/tests/test_Tablier.cpp", 76, gtest_msg.value) \
    = ::testing::Message()

Notice the Tablier t_tablier{10; }; Instead, if I write this:

TEST(Tablier, ConstructeurParamInvalide2)
    ASSERT_THROW(Tablier t_tablier(10, 65) , PreconditionException);

The macro works fine and the test passes. My project and compiler are configured for C++11, and many other tests pass using C++11 syntax. Any idea what could be the issue?


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