mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Empty braces around std::make_index_sequence

In this example on CppR:

template<typename Array, std::size_t... I>
decltype(auto) a2t_impl(const Array& a, std::index_sequence<I...>)
    return std::make_tuple(a[I]...);

template<typename T, std::size_t N, typename Indices = std::make_index_sequence<N>>
decltype(auto) a2t(const std::array<T, N>& a)
    return a2t_impl(a, Indices());

template<typename Func, typename Tup, std::size_t... index>
decltype(auto) invoke_helper(Func&& func, Tup&& tup, std::index_sequence<index...>)
    return func(std::get<index>(std::forward<Tup>(tup))...);

template<typename Func, typename Tup>
decltype(auto) invoke(Func&& func, Tup&& tup)
    constexpr auto Size = std::tuple_size<typename std::decay<Tup>::type>::value;
    return invoke_helper(std::forward<Func>(func),

there are these lines, which confuse me a lot:


Why are the curly braces added at the end at times (and omitting them causes a compile error) and why are they sometimes not?

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