mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Is there a way to disable auto declaration for non regular types?

C++11's auto keyword is great.

However in my opinion if a type is Not Regular (see for example, What is a "Regular Type" in the context of move semantics?) the usage of auto becomes tricky.

Is there a way to disable the auto declaration for such type?

Suppose one has a ref class that emulates a reference

double 5.;
ref<double> rd = d; // `ref` behaves like a reference, so it is not a regular type
ref<double> rd2 = rd; // `ref` can be (syntactically) copy constructible, (it is not regular for other reason)
auto r = rd; // now r is not `double`, but worst it is `ref<double>`.

(in real life it would be a more complicated class, the important point is that the class at hand it is not regular.)

The only way I found auto r = rd not to work (give a compile error) is to make the class non copyable, however I need the class to have copy constructor (with a special semantics, but a copy constructor still).

Is there a way to disable a syntax auto r = rd somehow? when decltype(rd) is not regular.

Note: This is not a very artificial problem, one could see that this type of problem is at the core of std::vector<bool>::reference (which is also a reference wrapper). Disabling (somehow) the syntax auto b = v[10] wouldn't solve the problem of std::vector<bool> but it will make bad usage harder.

Am I missing something? Should I change some other part of the design? Should the non-regular classes have a type trait that would help the compiler determine a more general auto (for example deduce bool for auto b = v[10] where std::vector<bool> v.)

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