dimanche 25 février 2018

C++11 brace/aggregate initialization. When to use it?

After reading up on C++11 and common guidelines surrounding it, I often read about how you should use in-class initialization as well as aggregate initialization.

Here's an example from what seems to be the "old" way of doing things:

class Example
    // Set "m_x" to "x", "m_y" gets set to the default value of 5
    Example(int x) : m_x(x), m_y(5)

    int m_x;
    int m_y;


And to my understanding this is what people recommend now:

class Example
    Example(int x) : m_x{x}

    int m_x{0}; // Supposedly {} works too? I guess this would
                // only be necessary if I had another constructor
                // taking in 0 arguments, so "m_x" doesn't go uninitialized
    int m_y{5};


My question is: How does this affect pointers, references, and some of the STL classes? What's the best practice for those? Do they just get initialized with {}? Additionally, should I be doing this even if the constructor initializes the variables anyway? (i.e. Writing m_x{} even though it gets set to something else by the constructor anyway)

Thank you.

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