samedi 24 février 2018

Passing lambdas directly to functions

I'm writing an Option class which represents a value that may or may not exist. The if_opt function is intended to take an Option and a function which will be called on the value held in the Option, but only if the value exists.

template <class T>
class Option {
    std::shared_ptr<T> m_value;
    explicit operator bool()const noexcept
        return (bool)m_value;

    Option() = default;

    explicit Option(T value)
        m_value =  std::make_shared<T>(value);

    template <class U>
    friend void if_opt(Option<U>&, std::function<void(U&)>);

template <class T>
void if_opt(Option<T>& opt, std::function<void(T&)> f)
    if (opt) f(*opt.m_value);

I've noticed that this works if I use it like so:

Option<int> none;
Option<int> some(10);

function<void(int&)> f1 = [](int& none)
    cout << "This should never be reached" << endl;

function<void(int&)> f2 = [](int& some)
    cout << "The value of some is: " << some << endl;

if_opt(none, f1);

if_opt(some, f2);

But I'd like to be able to put the lambda expression directly in the call, but when I do:

if_opt(none, [](int&)
    cout << "This should never be reached" << endl;

if_opt(some, [](int& some)
    cout << "The value of some is: " << some << endl;

I get an error:

error: no matching function for call to 'if_opt(Option<int>&, main()::<lambda(int&)>)'

I know that the type of a lambda expression is undefined in the standard, and that it merely has to be assignable to std::function<R(T)>, so this sort of makes sense, but is there a way that I can get the lambda argument to implicitly convert to a std::function<void(T&)> so that I can define the lambda in the call to if_opt the way I attempted?

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