samedi 31 mars 2018

operator method and returning "out-of-scope" object?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Box {
  double getVolume(void) {
     return length * breadth * height;
  void setLength( double len ) {
     length = len;
  void setBreadth( double bre ) {
     breadth = bre;
  void setHeight( double hei ) {
     height = hei;

  // Overload + operator to add two Box objects.
  Box operator+(const Box& b) {
     Box box; //local object?
     box.length = this->length + b.length;
     box.breadth = this->breadth + b.breadth;
     box.height = this->height + b.height;
     return box;

  double length;      // Length of a box
  double breadth;     // Breadth of a box
  double height;      // Height of a box

The source of the code: How does the above operator+ work? What I'm confused is that as opposed to Java, in C++ Box box creates an object on the stack, but the method is returning the object whose lifetime is limited to that scope of method (operator).

So I tried another example:

template <typename T>
class SmartPointer
    T *ptr;
    int numElem; //-1 if an element. >=0 if an array
    SmartPointer(T pNum);
    SmartPointer(T *pArray, int pSize);
    SmartPointer(std::initializer_list<T> nums);
    T getValue() const;
    T getValue(int index) const;
    void setValue(T pNum);
    void setValue(T pNum, int index);
    int getNumElem() const;
    SmartPointer<T> operator+ (const SmartPointer<T>& ptr);
    SmartPointer<T> operator- (const SmartPointer<T>& ptr);
    SmartPointer<T> operator* (const SmartPointer<T>& ptr);

template <class T>
SmartPointer<T> SmartPointer<T>::operator+ (const SmartPointer<T>& p_ptr)
        int pSize = this->getNumElem();
        T tempArray[pSize] = {0};
        for(int i = 0; i < this->getNumElem(); i++)
            int result = this->getValue(i) + p_ptr.getValue(i);
            tempArray[i] = result;
        SmartPointer<T> result(tempArray, pSize); (line 60)
        return result; (line 61)

I am trying to implement smartpointer, and I want to overload + as if it were a componentwise addition (like vector addition).

Then, if I run the following code:

SmartPointer<int> sPointer6({10,11,12});
SmartPointer<int> sPointer7({10,11,12});
SmartPointer<int> sPointer8 = sPointer6 + sPointer7;
cout << sPointer8.getValue(0) << endl; //getValue(index)
cout << sPointer8.getValue(1) << endl;
cout << sPointer8.getValue(2) << endl;

I get the following output:


But if I replace line 60 and line 61 by

return SmartPointer<T>(tempArray, pSize);

Then I get the following output:


Why am I getting different outputs? And why does the first example work but not the smartpointer example?

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