vendredi 26 octobre 2018

compact switch statement that uses repeatedly same templated function

I have the following C++ code with a fairly big switch statement (I am using a C++11 compiler):

void funtion(std::size_t i, other_args)
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      //lots of other cases here
      case 100:



where templatedfunction is defined as

template<std::size_t T>
void templatedfunction(other_args){
   //some code here

This is a lot of lines of code for describing a simple concept (i.e., call templatedfunction with the same value as variable i passed in its templated parameter). Is there a way in C++ to write this code more compactly? There should be a way to implement this long switch statement more compactly....Using templatedfunction<i>(other_args) will not compile since i is a variable and not a compile time constant. Thanks.

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