mercredi 24 juillet 2019

C++ compile-time / runtime options and parameters, how to handle?

I am writing a large library to perform calculations on a number of datasets at the same time. There are numerous ways to perform these calculations, and I want the library to be highly configurable. Typically, there are options relative to how the calculation is performed as a whole. Then, each dataset has its own set of calculation options. Finally, each calculation has a number of tuning parameters, which must be set as well.

The library itself is generic, but each application which uses that library will use a particular kind of dataset, for which tuning parameters will take on a certain value. Since they will not change throughout the life of the application, I make them known at application compile-time. The way I implement these tuning parameters in the library is through a Traits class, which contains the tuning parameters as static const elements. Calibration of their final value is part of the development of the application.

The datasets will of course change depending on what the user feeds to the application, and therefore a number of runtime options must be provided as well (with intelligent defaults). Calibration of their default value is also part of the development of the application. I implement these options as a Config class which contains these options, and can be changed on application startup (e.g. parsing a config text file). It gets passed to the constructor of a lot of the classes in the library. Each class then calls the Config::get_x for their specific option x.

Is this the proper way to handle compile-time and runtime options in this generic library? What is good practice for large software in which there are simply too many options for the user to bother about most of them?

The thing I don't really like about my current setup, is that both Traits and Config classes break encapsulation. Some options relate to some parts of the library. Most of the time, however, they don't. And having them suddenly next to each other annoys me, because they affect separate things in the code, which are often in different abstraction layers.

One solution I was thinking about, is using multiple public inheritance for these different parts. A class which needs to know an option then casts the Config object or calls the relevant Trait parent to access it. Also, this passing along of Config to every class that needs it (or whose members need it) is very inelegant. Maybe I should make it a singleton?

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