lundi 29 juillet 2019

Should the deleted default constructor be in Public or Private?

I had to delete the default constructor to ensure that the parameterized constuctor is used always. That's when I wanted to know if my deleted default constructor should be under public or private access specifier.

I just wrote a sample code to test this. I tried to access the deleted default constructor.

class A
    A(const int val)
        assign = val;
    A() = delete;
    int assign;

int main()
    A obj1(5);
    A obj2;

main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:

main.cpp:35:7: error: ‘A::A()’ is private within this context

A obj2;

main.cpp:28:5: note: declared private here

A() = delete;

main.cpp:35:7: error: use of deleted function ‘A::A()’

A obj2;

main.cpp:28:5: note: declared here

A() = delete;

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