mercredi 24 juillet 2019

Reading input from .txt file with different kinds of delimiters

I am trying to read a .txt file and retrieve x and y coordinates, a city ID and cityname.

[1, 1]-3-Big_City
expected : x = 1,  y = 1, city_ID = 3, city_name = Big_City

[2, 8]-2-Mid_City
expected : x = 2,  y = 8, city_ID = 2, city_name = Mid_City

How do i read and store the x , y , city_ID and city_name

I have a while loop that can print out the whole line, but i do not know how to delimit using the unwanted symbols to get the required values

while(getline(inputFile, aLine))

 getline(inputFile, aLine, '[');
 x = aLine;

 getline(inputFile, aLine, ',');
 y = aLine;

 //stuck here has getline 3rd parameter only accepts character and not string
 getline(inputFile, aLine, ']-');
 city_ID = aLine;


 cout << x << " " << y << " " << city_ID

The output i get is also not what i expected. The first line would be missing and the others are not shown

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