mercredi 26 février 2020

Auto keyword in C++ 17 [closed]

I am reviving some old code that was written using C++ 11, but I now want to utilize some C++ 17 features.

        auto last = std::unique(creoBomVector.begin(), creoBomVector.end());

        creoBomVector.erase(last, creoBomVector.end());

This will compile in C++ 11 no problem, the system knows what type last is.

In C++ 17, the compile error is:

error: 'last' does not name a type error: 'last' was not declared in this scope

In C++ 11, last was not defined in this specific function.

I tried defining 'last', but I quickly realized the compiler was handling 'last' differently than I realized.

I defined last as a string, and I am getting the error: error: 'last' does not name a type.

I admit, my C++ skills are extremely rusty and even at my best, I was mostly using basic standard features to get my scripts done.

Is there a quick fix to the above two lines of code, or do I need to rebuild the way I handled this instruction? I am sure the way I am utilizing the auto keyword in this instance is not recommended.

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