vendredi 30 avril 2021

std::bind arguments not matching function parameters?

I'm trying to pass a socket along a connection handshake, and use std::bind to do so. The compile issue I'm getting (in one continuous block, which I've added spaces to for readability) is:

'std::_Bind<_Functor(_Bound_args ...)>::_Bind(_Functor&&, _Args&& ...) 

[with _Args = {socket_state**, std::function<void(socket_state*)>&, boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::executor>&, boost::asio::io_context&}; 

_Functor = void (*)(socket_state*, std::function<void(socket_state*)>&, boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp>&, boost::asio::io_context&); 

_Bound_args = {socket_state**, std::function<void(socket_state*)>, boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::executor>, boost::asio::io_context}]':

My code is below, with the error appearing to nag at the std::bind arguments given to boost::asio::acceptor.async_accept(socket, ...) and the parameters for the accept_new_client method

    void start_server(std::function<void(socket_state*)>& func, tcp::acceptor& acceptor, boost::asio::io_context& context)
        // Start client connection loop
        networking::wait_for_client(func, acceptor, context);

    void wait_for_client(std::function<void(socket_state*)>& func, tcp::acceptor& acceptor, boost::asio::io_context& context)
        boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(context);

        // socket_state is its own class which links a particular socket with an ID and buffer data
        // it also holds a function to indicate which part of the connection handshake it needs to go to next
        socket_state* state = new socket_state(func, &socket);
        acceptor.async_accept(socket, std::bind(&networking::accept_new_client, state, func, acceptor, context));

    void accept_new_client(socket_state* state, std::function<void(socket_state*)>& func, tcp::acceptor& acceptor, boost::asio::io_context& context)
            wait_for_client(func, acceptor, context);

It seems like they would match, but you can see the error state my std::bind arguments are socket_state** instead of socket_state*, and boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::executor>& instead of boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp>&.

I have no idea what the "with _Args" vs. "_Bound_args" is either.

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