lundi 6 mars 2023

infinite loop with future c++

I have this code and it gives me an infinite loop as the state of the future is always NOT ready even though the function inside it is finished. I checked the respond function and it always end but the state is never changed to ready.

    this class simulate a driver response to the future 
class driver {
    bool response;
    int time;
    driver(bool response, int time) : response(response), time(time) {}

    bool respond() {
        return response;

int check_response(vector<driver> &ds) {
    auto f1 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&]() {
        return ds[0].respond();

    auto f2 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&]() {
        return ds[1].respond();

    auto state1 = f1.wait_for(5ms);
    auto state2 = f2.wait_for(5ms);
    while (
        (state1 != future_status::ready)
        (state2 != future_status::ready)
        ) {
            auto state1 = f1.wait_for(5ms);
            auto state2 = f2.wait_for(5ms);
           // never exits this loop

    if (state1 == future_status::ready && f1.get()) {
        return 0;
    else if (state2 == future_status::ready && f2.get()) {
        return 1;
    else {
        return -1;

int main() {
    vector<driver> ds{
    cout << check_response(ds);

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