samedi 14 octobre 2023

error: expected ';' at end of member declaration, error: redeclaration of 'int Printer::s1', error: expected ';' after class definition

#include #include

using std::cout; using std::endl;

class Printer { private: char *s1; public: char *SetString(s1); void Showstring(); }; char Printer::*SetString(s1){ return s1; } void Printer::Showstring(){ cout<<SetString(s1); } int main(void){ Printer pnt; pnt.SetString("Hello"); pnt.Showstring(); }

'pnt.SetString("Hello");' save "Hello" to 'private: char *s1;' 'pnt.Showstring();' bring 'private: char *s1;' and print s1

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