mercredi 4 octobre 2023

What method is there to input mouse commands to the specified soft?

Python simulation of mouse input can affect real mice

C++sendinput also controls the real mouse

I have tried my best

I need to pursue higher performance. Although Python's performance is also sufficient,

enter image description here

it only takes a few seconds to draw this image at over 7000 fps,

the problem is that it will control the real mouse, which affects performance and low scalability.

Therefore, I wonder if there is a way to simply input mouse data to the specified software to make it respond to corresponding operations without affecting the physical mouse movement of the main system.

I have also inquired a lot about chatgpt online, and their answer is to use C++sendinput, but the result is that they all have the same ability to control the physical mouse

Do you know any other methods? If you could help me, I would greatly appreciate it!

In addition, here is the mouse drawing I implemented in Python, and I provided the code once for a better understanding:

import time
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont
import pyautogui

pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True

import time
from pymouse import PyMouse
import pyautogui
m = PyMouse()
pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True

def test(coor):
    # Click on the coordinates of the corresponding pixels on the screen
    off_X = 600
    off_y = 300
    for item in coor:
        # print("-> ",item)
        #['start'] + off_X,item['y']+off_y)['start'] + off_X,item['y']+off_y,1)


# Load the grayscale image and find the coordinates of the black pixels
grayscale_image ='./屏幕截图 2023-10-04 020426.png')

# Convert the image into grayscale using Pillow
grayscale_image = grayscale_image.convert('L')'grayscale_image.png')

width, height = grayscale_image.size


def get_x():
    f = 1
    n = 0
    coor_x = []
    # coor_y = []
    coor = []

    # Get all black pixels
    for y in range(height):

        n = 0
        for x in range(width):
            pixel = grayscale_image.getpixel((x, y))

            if pixel !=255 and f ==1:
                f= 0
            if pixel != 255:
                # coor_y.append(y)

            # Get multiple pixels on the same row but disconnected
            if pixel==255 and f == 0:
                if n == 0:
                    n = 1
                    obj = {
                    # coor_x.append(255)
                    coor_x = []
                    f = 1
                    obj = {
                    # coor_x.append(255)
                    coor_x = []
                    f = 1

    # 优化 Optimize pixel points
    xxx = 0
    ots = 1
    nowLen = int(len(coor) * 0.5)
    print("unOptLen -> ",len(coor))
    while True:
        if ots == 0 :
        for item in coor:
            xxx = xxx + 1
            if xxx % 2 == 0:
                if(len(coor)< nowLen):
                    ots = 0
    print('Opted Len -> ',len(coor))
    return coor

coor = get_x()



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