InsertTypes<Pack, P<Ts...>, Is...>::type
is Pack with the types Ts...
inserted in positions Is...
, respectively. For example,
InsertTypes<Pack<int, double, char, long, int>, Pack<short, float, std::string>, 2,4,1>::type,
Pack<int, std::string, double, short, char, long, float, int
(short inserted between double and char, float inserted between long and int, and std::string inserted between int and double).
My method: Sort the Is...
in reverse order first (from largest to smallest), and apply Insert for each type in Ts...
and each int in Is...
Why reverse sort the Is...
? Because if they are not in that order, inserting a type will bump the positions off by one and mess up the other insertions. But there is a flaw in my plan, which I'll explain shortly. First let me provide the helper functions I've written, which I tested to work correctly on their own:
Insert<T, P<Types...>, N>::type
is the pack P<Types...>
with T inserted in position N.
template <typename, typename, typename, int> struct InsertHelper;
template <typename T, template <typename...> class P, typename First, typename... Rest, typename... Accumulated>
struct InsertHelper<T, P<First, Rest...>, P<Accumulated...>, 0> {
using type = P<Accumulated..., T, First, Rest...>;
template <typename T, template <typename...> class P, typename First, typename... Rest, typename... Accumulated, int N>
struct InsertHelper<T, P<First, Rest...>, P<Accumulated...>, N> : InsertHelper<T, P<Rest...>, P<Accumulated..., First>, N-1> {};
template <typename, typename, int> struct Insert;
template <typename T, template <typename...> class P, typename... Types, int N>
struct Insert<T, P<Types...>, N> : InsertHelper<T, P<Types...>, P<>, N> {};
Now ReverseSortIntSequence (using quicksort):
template <int I, int J>
struct IntLessThan : std::conditional<(I < J), std::true_type, std::false_type>::type {};
template <int, typename> struct PrependInt;
template <int N, template <int...> class Z, int... Is>
struct PrependInt<N, Z<Is...>> {
using type = Z<N, Is...>;
template <template<int> class, typename> struct FilterInts;
template <template<int> class F, template <int...> class Z, int I, int... Is>
struct FilterInts<F, Z<I, Is...>> {
using type = typename std::conditional<F<I>::value,
typename PrependInt<I, typename FilterInts<F, Z<Is...>>::type>::type,
typename FilterInts<F, Z<Is...>>::type
template <template<int> class F, template <int...> class Z>
struct FilterInts<F, Z<>> {
using type = Z<>;
template <typename, typename> struct MergeIntSequences;
template <template <int...> class Z, int... Is, int... Js>
struct MergeIntSequences<Z<Is...>, Z<Js...>> {
using type = Z<Is..., Js...>;
template <typename> struct ReverseSortIntSequence;
template <template <int...> class Z, int N, int... Is>
struct ReverseSortIntSequence<Z<N, Is...>> {
template<int I> struct less_than : std::integral_constant<bool, (I >= N)> {};
template <int I> struct more_than : std::integral_constant<bool, (I < N)> {};
using subsequence_less_than_N = typename FilterInts<less_than, Z<Is...>>::type;
using subsequence_more_than_N = typename FilterInts<more_than, Z<Is...>>::type;
using type = typename MergeIntSequences<typename ReverseSortIntSequence<subsequence_less_than_N>::type,
typename PrependInt<N, typename ReverseSortIntSequence<subsequence_more_than_N>::type>::type
template<template <int...> class Z>
struct ReverseSortIntSequence<Z<>> {
using type = Z<>;
Now InsertTypes
template <typename, typename, typename> struct InsertTypesHelper;
template <typename Pack, template <typename...> class P, template <int...> class Z>
struct InsertTypesHelper<Pack, P<>, Z<>> {
using type = Pack;
template <typename Pack, template <typename...> class P, typename First, typename... Rest, template <int...> class Z, int N, int... Ns>
struct InsertTypesHelper<Pack, P<First, Rest...>, Z<N, Ns...>> : InsertTypesHelper<typename Insert<First, Pack, N>::type, P<Rest...>, Z<Ns...>> {};
template <typename, typename, int...> struct InsertTypes;
template <typename Pack, template <typename...> class P, typename... Types, int... Is>
struct InsertTypes<Pack, P<Types...>, Is...> : InsertTypesHelper<Pack, P<Types...>, typename ReverseSortIntSequence<index_sequence<Is...>>::type> {};
Now, my tests:
int main() {
std::cout << std::is_same<
typename ReverseSortIntSequence<index_sequence<5,10,8,4,0,2,1,2,7,8,3>>::type,
>::value << std::endl; // true
std::cout << std::is_same<
InsertTypesHelper<Pack<int, double, char, long, int>, Pack<float, short, std::string>, index_sequence<4,2,1>>::type,
Pack<int, std::string, double, short, char, long, float, int>
>::value << std::endl; // true (*)
std::cout << std::is_same<
typename ReverseSortIntSequence<index_sequence<2,4,1>>::type,
>::value << std::endl; // true (**)
std::cout << std::is_same<
InsertTypes<Pack<int, double, char, long, int>, Pack<short, float, std::string>, 2,4,1>::type,
Pack<int, std::string, double, short, char, long, float, int>
>::value << std::endl; // false (rats!)
I get false above because despite (*) and (**) being true above, we must have Pack<short, float, std::string>
permuted in the same way 2,4,1 is permuted in order to get that in reverse sorted order. I could proceed with this fix, but now it is getting overboard. I will still go ahead with that, but I seriously suspect there is a better method altogether, probably fairly short too. Any good ideas here?
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