mercredi 25 février 2015

Is it possible to get a template to use a class and a member function of that class?

I'm trying to make a for_each function for a generic object that uses an size function and an item index function. But I'm having some difficulty with the syntax.

This is what I have so far (starting at line 128):

class base1
std::vector<int> items;
: items({1,2,3})

int GetCount() const

class base2 : public base1
: base1()

int GetItem(int i) const
return items[i];

class derived : public base2
: base2()

template <typename CONTAINER, typename CONTAINER_BASE1, typename CONTAINER_BASE2, typename SIZE, typename CONTAINED, typename FUNC>
void for_each(CONTAINER* container, SIZE (CONTAINER_BASE1::*GetSize)() const, CONTAINED (CONTAINER_BASE2::*GetItem)(SIZE) const, FUNC& body)
for (SIZE i = 0; i < container->*GetSize(); ++i)

void fn()
derived x;
for_each(&x, &derived::GetCount, &derived::GetItem, [](int i){

Right now, I get an error from VC++ 2013 stating:

1>d:\projects\test\test.cpp(169): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
1> d:\projects\test\test.cpp(180) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void for_each<derived,base1,base2,int,int,fn::<lambda_862ea397905775f7e094cde6fe9b462c>>(CONTAINER *,SIZE (__thiscall base1::* )(void) const,CONTAINED (__thiscall base2::* )(SIZE) const,FUNC &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> CONTAINER=derived
1> , SIZE=int
1> , CONTAINED=int
1> , FUNC=fn::<lambda_862ea397905775f7e094cde6fe9b462c>
1> ]
1>d:\projects\test\test.cpp(171): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments

Any ideas as to what the problem is?

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