mardi 31 mars 2015

std::bind not able to call the class member function: C++

I have to implement A valve Open function (for specified duration). I am using boost::asio::deadline_timer

My class member function to open valve is:

bool Valves::valveOpen(ValveType type)
switch (type)
case eVentValve:
if (tblMap_.digitalOutput[eOutK1VentValve].getBit())
isVentOpen_ = true;
return isVentOpen_;

case eVacuumPumpValve:


Class member function to close the valve is:

bool Valves::valveClose(ValveType type)
switch (type)
case eVentValve:
if (!tblMap_.digitalOutput[eOutK1VentValve].getBit())
isVentOpen_ = false;
return !isVentOpen_;

case eVacuumPumpValve:

I am trying to achieve the timer action as below

bool Valves::valveTimedOpen(ValveType type, int sec)
boost::asio::io_service io;
switch (type)
case eVentValve:
std::bind(&Valves::valveOpen, this, type); //Here
boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::seconds(sec));
t.async_wait(std::bind(&Valves::valveClose, this, type));
boost::thread th(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io));
return true;

case eVacuumPumpValve:


The code hits the line Here i.e.

std::bind(&Valves::valveOpen, this, type); but it does not go to bool Valves::valveOpen(ValveType type) function.

Can someone let me know the issue with this code?

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