mardi 31 mars 2015

why shouldn't these conditions work for template types?

As my previous question i am trying to build a conditions to examine two types check if should i do dynamic_cast or not. I had following conditions:

#define can_dynamic_cast(FROM, TO) \
can_cast(FROM, TO) && \
!std::is_same<FROM, TO>::value && \
std::is_class<TO>::value && \
!std::is_const<FROM>::value && \
std::is_base_of<TO, FROM>::value

It does not work for below basic check, the can_dynamic_cast will return true!!!

static_assert(!can_dynamic_cast(int, int), "didn't expecting dynamic cast, but could!")

Out of desperation i came down to below conditions, but still no hope!!

#define can_dynamic_cast(FROM, TO) \
std::is_convertible<FROM, TO>::value && \
std::is_class<TO>::value && \

The above conditions are the most basic conditions, can_dynamic_cast will return true for (int, int) again, which is not suppose to!!!


1) What am i don't wrong?

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