dimanche 27 septembre 2015

convert inheritance to templates

I have C++11 project that uses inheritance. Here is small fragment:

class ICountable{
        virtual ~ICountable(){}

        unsigned getCount() const{
                return _getCount();

        bool isEmpty() const{
                return _getCount() == 0;

        virtual unsigned _getCount() const = 0;

Suppose we have some LinkList that inherits from ICountable and implements _getCount(). Then you can make function like this:

void doSomething(ICountable &countable){
    if (countable.isEmpty())
LinkList ll;

This is all very good, but there must be another way to do all this:

template <typename T>
void doSomething(T countable){
    if (countable.isEmpty())
LinkList ll;
doSomething(ll); // we do not even need to add <>

Template way is faster and probably easier to implement. std::vector and std::deque are like this as well.

However, how I can avoid code duplication - function isEmpty() must be pasted in all "list things".

I can imagine preprocessor #include or...

I can imagine decorator-like class that may implements all those sugar methods and to proxy the others:

template <typename T>
class List{
   T list;
        unsigned getCount() const{
                return list.getCount();

        bool isEmpty() const{
                return list.getCount() == 0;


What is better inheritance or templates, if there will be no runtime polymorphism?

Is there better way to avoid code duplication?

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