dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Linked List Destructor executes with Valgrind but not on its own

I have the following struct:

class List{
public: //Functions go here
    typedef struct node{
    string data;
    node* prev;
    node* next;
}* nodePtr;

nodePtr head;
nodePtr curr;
nodePtr temp;
nodePtr tail;

    void addToEnd(string addData);
    void addToBeg(string addData);
    void DeleteList();
    //More functions not included//

with constructor:

    head = NULL;
    curr = NULL;
    temp = NULL;
    tail = NULL;

and destructor:

void List::DeleteList(){
    temp = head;
    curr = head;
    while(curr != NULL){
        temp = curr->next;
        delete curr;
        curr = temp;

The rest of the code takes in numbers and performs addition and multiplication on them by partitioning the numbers into nodes. I call DeleteList() at the end of each function for each List. When I run the code with Valgrind, my output completes with the correct answers even though it says "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" on a few of the function calls.

When I execute the program along using gcc, I get a "pointer being freed was not allocated". What is the difference between the two execution methods? And why is gcc saying that the pointer wasn't allocated?

Adding a node looks like:

void List::addToEnd(string addData){ //adds to end of linked list
    //nodePtr n = (nodePtr)malloc(sizeof(node));
    nodePtr n = new node;
    n->next = NULL;
    n->data = addData;

    if(head != NULL){
        curr = head;
        while(curr->next != NULL){
            curr = curr->next;
        curr->next = n;
        n->prev = curr;
        tail = n;
        n->prev = NULL;
        head = n;
        tail = n;

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