jeudi 29 octobre 2015

C++TMP how to parse runtime array to variadic meta-template?

i've made my variadic meta template work (take any number of int args)

cout << findBestSum<4,5,6,3,7,20,3,50,1,-1,5>::result << endl; //outputs 103 which is good

now i meet a problem of passing a runtime input to this template, for example the standard argv (after converting it to int of course), as it is a pointer, and pointers don't exist in compile-time calculations.

is there a way to extract / expand / parse the input array as separate arguments into the template?

i could of course do something like


if i knew the number of arguments overhead, but i don't. the user can even input a million numbers.

p.s. just reminding, i can't do it this way: findBestSum<arr>::result because it is a pointer!! no addresses are assigned at compile-time

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