I didn't really know how to search for this, so I'm going to ask the question here. I know how to pass a function as a parameter, but this time, the situation is a bit different and I'm a bit lost.
I will simplify the classes for readability reasons, but let me know if I miss something that makes it confusing.
I have a class that calls a function inside another:
class Class1 : public ofBaseApp, JSMethodHandler {
void setup() {
void thatFunction(Signature signature) {}
Class2 class2;
Then Class2:
#include "js_delegate.h"
class Class2 : JSMethodHandler {
void bindMethod(void (ofBaseApp::*func)(Signature signature)) {
JSDelegate(this, func);
and the definition of JSDelegate:
template < class X, class Y >
FastDelegate2(Y *pthis, DesiredRetType (X::* function_to_bind)(Param1 p1) ) {
m_Closure.bindmemfunc(detail::implicit_cast<X*>(pthis), function_to_bind); }
If I want to do it this way, I get an error in Class1 saying that ofApp::*
is incompatible with ofBaseApp::*
I want to make bindMethod
generic so I can pass functions from every class that inherits from ofBaseApp. Can this be done with the current configuration, or can you suggest another way of approaching this?
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