jeudi 31 décembre 2015

C++(11) "High Performance" Concurrent Single Writer(s)

I have an object B, composed of 10 double values. The double values are produced by a sensor which communicates via ethernet and sends out updates once every 1-2 milliseconds. Instances of B must be used at 2 other places in the program to do some calculations and visualization.

In another thread, an object A, holding ~1000 double values is updated every 4-10 milliseconds using another sensor.

Both objects have a time signature (procured by using boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock when the sensor's update arrives)

Now I want to use two objects A and B that have been updated at nearly the same time to calculate some values for an object C. This should be done while both threads are running, and the output used to do some visualization, computing averages, etc. The whole procedure is running for 1-2 hours and only instances of calculated Cs are used after that, instances of A and B are not longer needed.

What is the recommended method (or design pattern) to implement this communication and data sharing between the threads ?

At the moment, this whole construct is badly implemented, and the thread composing A communicates directly with the one composing B without using synchronization methods like mutexes.

  • Should I use lockless double ended queues for storing A and Bs and read from this in the thread composing C?
  • Should I use an (thread-safe) observer pattern like boost::signals2 to "send" the instances of A and B ?
  • Or something different ?

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