dimanche 27 décembre 2015

Hash Not Defined for Class Reference?

I have a funny error occuring where I have a custom class I am using as keys in a std::unordered_map. I have implemented a hash function for this custom class.

If I create an std::unordered_map like so everything runs fine:

std::unordered_map <Component, int> myMap;

But if I create a std::unordered_map where the keys are references it complains there is no implemented hash function for this type:

std::unordered_map <Component&, int> myMap; 

Error 3 error C2338: The C++ Standard doesn't provide a hash for this type.

Any idea how I can get this to work?

class Component
    GUID id;


    bool operator== (const Component& other) const
        return compareGUID(id, other.id);

namespace std
    struct hash<Component>
        std::size_t operator()(const Component& cmp) const
            using std::size_t;
            using std::hash;

            return hash<GUID>()(cmp.id); // GUID hash has also been implemented

std::unordered_map<Component, int> cMap1;  // compiles ok
std::unordered_map<Component&, int> cMap2;  // causes compiler error

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