mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Resolving errors in std headers when using std methods/classes incorrectly

I am new to C++ and I frequently come into a situation where I get a compile time error while using std templated classes/containers/methods.

Most of the time, error is shown inside of some std header file that I don't include directly. Furthermore, offending line is always inside of some method that I don't call directly.

So I have no idea which line of my code eventually leads to that error. In other words, I can't determine the call stack (if it can be called so in this case) that causes the error.

Is there an efficient "debugging" process that I can use when determining offending code in case of errors like this?

This is an example of such error. I will figure this error out somehow, so I am not interested in this particular error, but rather in more general solution to problems such as this.

Error C2280 'MyNamespace::MyClass &MyNamespace::MyClass::operator =(const MyNamespace::MyClass &)': attempting to reference a deleted function MyLib c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\utility 53

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