mercredi 30 mars 2016

Correct way to implement Singleton in Cocos2Dx

Currently I'm using this approach:

class Singleton {
  static Singleton &getInstance()   {
    static Singleton *instance = new Singleton();
    return *instance;
void getData();

  Singleton() {}

In this way I can use a method from Singleton writing:


And this seems the right way reading a lot of tutorials for C++11. But reading through cocos Director singleton code (also FileUtils etc..), I have seen that Cocos uses this other approach:

class Singleton {
  static Singleton *getInstance()   {
    instance = new Singleton();
    return instance;
void getData();

  Singleton() {}
  static Singleton *instance;

With this approach I have to write:


Because of the pointer *getInstance instead of reference &getInstance.

I think the difference is big, but I don't know if one way is correct and the other don't.

Please help me to sorting out this concept.

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