mardi 26 juillet 2016

I am getting runtime error upon incrementing the pointer, what is the plausible reason ??

I am new to C++, while I was implementing a tag class, I encountered a runtime error. Upon debugging I found out that the runtime error was caused by incrementing pointer(**) attrib_list, but the other pointer which points to same memory address produces no error pon incrementing, Please explain to me what is the reason for this odd behavious ????? I used hackerrank online ide to compile this code

class Tag{
       tagname{""}, sz{0}, t_sz{0}, attrib_list{nullptr}, ptr_nav{nullptr}{

    Tag(string name, int n_att):
        tagname{name}, sz{0}, t_sz{n_att}, attrib_list{new string*[n_att]}{
            for(int i=0; i<n_att; i++){
                attrib_list[i] = new string[2];
            ptr_nav = &attrib_list[0];      //take risk here

        for(int i=0; i< t_sz; i++){
                delete[] attrib_list[i];
        attrib_list = nullptr;
        ptr_nav = nullptr;
        t_sz, sz = 0;

    // this function produces rintime error
    void add_attribute(string name, string value){
        (*attrib_list)[0] = name;
        (*attrib_list)[1] = value; 

     This does not produce any error, why ????
     void add_attribute(string name, string value){
        (*ptr_nav)[0] = name;
        (*ptr_nav)[1] = value; 

    string tagname;
    string **attrib_list, **ptr_nav;
    int sz, t_sz;

int main() {
    Tag t("tag1", 2);
    t.add_attribute("value1", "1");  //runtime error
    t.add_attribute("value2", "2");  //runtime error
    return 0;

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