mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Automatically determine if user-defined function is equivalent to the implicit one

Sometimes, users implement functions with the equivalent functionality as their implicitly defined versions. For example, a copy constructor which simply calls the copy constructor of all its members.

struct A
    int B;
    A(const A& a) : B(a.B) { }

This is undesirable, because it causes additional maintenance, for example if the class members are renamed/reordered, etc., and reduces readability. Also, adding these functions also means that functions such as std::is_trivially_copy_constructable claim the type is cannot be trivially copy constructed (but in practice, it actually could be).

I have a code base where this seems to be a common occurrence, which I would like to rectify, by deleting these implementations. However, I am uneasy about removing functionality that seems to be identical to implicit implementation, in case it might not actually be equivalent. Is there a method for determining whether a function is equivalent to its implicit version? (Using any toolset/language variation/etc is acceptable).

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