mercredi 1 février 2017

Range-based loop use another operator

I have a prime generator based on what I've seen in python by Sieve of Eratosthenes so this generator basically generate prime numbers with good performances.

What I would want is to use the range based loop on a range of prime number so here is what I did :

//Consider prime_generator a class with both operator*, operator!= and operator< overloaded

class primes_range {
    unsigned int max;
    primes_range(unsigned int max) : max(max) {}
    prime_generator begin() const {
        return prime_generator(); //so this begin from 2 to
                                  //infinity and beyond but of course
                                  //all primes
    prime_generator end() const {
         prime_generator result;
         for (:*result < max; ++result) {} //so this thing actually create a 
                                           //generator and increment it until it
                                           //gives the first prime number 
                                           //under max so it basically do
                                           //all the work that I don't
                                           //want it to do now
         return rest;

So in my main, I would want to use the range-based loop, that's the point of the primes_range class.

int main() {
    for (auto && i : primes_range(10)) { //So here, this is silly because
                                         //the range-based loop will use end()
                                         //wich will calculate all the prime
                                         //numbers at the very beginning
                                         //and i will increment apart from
                                         //this starting process
        cout << i << endl;
    return 0;

Of course instead I could use a simple loop :

int main() {
    for (prime_generator pg; *pg < 10; ++pg) {
        cout << *pg << endl;
    return 0;

But because the range-base loop is easier to read and prevent to use the operator*, I would want to use it instead, so my question is : Is there a way to make the range-base loop use another operator than != (in this case, I want it to stay inferior to max so it should use >=) ? Maybe overloard a particular function for primes_range or specialize a comparator ?

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