mardi 25 avril 2017

Compare two multisets of types for equality

As the this question seemed not to cover all future useful cases I decided to fill the gap with this little question of mine. Is there a way to answer if two multisets of types are equal?

#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename, typename>
struct type_multiset_eq : std::false_type

template <typename ... Types1, typename ... Types2>
struct type_multiset_eq<std::tuple<Types1...>, std::tuple<Types2...>>
    : std::true_type
    // Should only be true_type if the multisets of types are equal

int main() {

    static_assert(type_multiset_eq<std::tuple<char, int, double, float, int, float>, std::tuple<float, char, int, double, int, float>>::value, "err");
    static_assert(!type_multiset_eq<std::tuple<char, int, double, float, int, float>, std::tuple<char, int, double, int, float>>::value, "err");
    static_assert(type_multiset_eq<std::tuple<char, char, char, float, float, float>, std::tuple<char, float, char, float, char, float>>::value, "err");
    static_assert(!type_multiset_eq<std::tuple<int, int>, std::tuple<int, int, int>>::value, "err");

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