mercredi 31 mai 2017

std::weak_ptr assignment with std::make_shared

I stumbled upon this behaviour when using std::weak_ptr and std::make_shared and I found it a little weird. I am using C++11.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main()
  std::weak_ptr<int> weak;

  std::shared_ptr<int> shared {std::make_shared<int>(42)};
  weak = shared;
  std::cout << "Meaning of life: " << *weak.lock() << std::endl;

  weak = std::make_shared<int>(23);
  std::cout << "Meaning of life: " << *weak.lock() << std::endl;

  return 0;

The first std::cout prints fine, the second gives me a segfault. I tried looking at the pages of std::weak_ptr and std::shared_ptr on cppreference but I still don't understand why this happens. Having to create a temporary object feels cumbersome to me, is this something that has been addressed in C++14 or is there something I am failing to see?


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