mardi 26 septembre 2017

C++ Passing std::function object to variadic template

I want to pass a callable (std::function object) into a class Foo. The callable refers to a member method of another class which has arbitrary arguments, hence the Foo must be a variadic template. Consider this code:

struct Bar {
  void MemberFunction(int x) {}

template<typename ...Args>
class Foo {
  Foo(std::function<void(Bar*, Args...)> f) {}

int main() {
  Foo<int> m1(&Bar::MemberFunction);
  return 0;

This compiles fine. Now I want to write a factory function MakeFoo() which returns a unique_ptr to a Foo object:

template<typename ...Args>
std::unique_ptr<Foo<Args...>> MakeFoo(std::function<void(Bar*, Args...)> f) {
  return std::make_unique<Foo<Args...>>(f);

Using this function by calling

auto m2 = MakeFoo<int>(&Bar::MemberFunction);

in main, gives me the following compiler errors: In function ‘int main()’: error: no matching function for call to ‘MakeFoo(void (Bar::*)(int))’
       auto m2 = MakeFoo<int>(&Bar::MemberFunction);
                                                  ^ note: candidate: template<class ... Args> std::unique_ptr<Foo<Args ...> > MakeFoo(std::function<void(Bar*, Args ...)>)
     std::unique_ptr<Foo<Args...>> MakeFoo(std::function<void(Bar*, Args...)> f) {
                                   ^ note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed: note:   mismatched types ‘std::function<void(Bar*, Args ...)>’ and ‘void (Bar::*)(int)’
       auto m2 = MakeFoo<int>(&Bar::MemberFunction);

It seems to me, that when I call the constructor of Foo, the compiler happily converts the function pointer &Bar::MemberFunction to a std::function object. But when I pass the same argument to the factory function, it complains. Moreover, this problem only seems to occur, when Foo and MakeFoo are variadic templates. For a fixed number of template parameters it works fine.

Can somebody explain this to me?

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