jeudi 28 décembre 2017

Accessing an atomic member of a class held by a shared_ptr

I'm trying to create a small class that will allow me to facilitate a communication between two threads.

Those threads most probably will outlive the context in which the above mentioned class was created as they are queued onto a thread pool.

What I have tried so far (on coliru as well):

class A    
    A(int maxVal) : maxValue(maxVal) {}    
    bool IsOverMax() const { return cur >= maxValue; }    
    void Increase() { cur++; }

    const int  maxValue;    
    atomic_int cur{ 0 };

possible usage:

void checking(const shared_ptr<A> counter)
        cout<<"Working\n";         // do work

void counting(shared_ptr<A> counter)
    while (!counter->IsOverMax())
        counter->Increase(); // does this fall under `...uses a non-const member function of shared_ptr then a data race will occur`?

int main() 

    unique_ptr<thread> t1Ptr;
    unique_ptr<thread> t2Ptr;

        auto aPtr = make_shared<A>(100); // This might be out of scope before t1 and t2 end
        t1Ptr.reset(new thread(checking, aPtr)); // To simbolize that t1,t2 will outlive the scope in which aPtr was originaly created
        t2Ptr.reset(new thread(counting, aPtr));

    //cout<< aPtr->IsOverMax();

The reason I'm concerned is that the documentation says that:

If multiple threads of execution access the same std::shared_ptr object without synchronization and any of those accesses uses a non-const member function of shared_ptr then a data race will occur unless all such access is performed through these functions, which are overloads of the corresponding atomic access functions (std::atomic_load, std::atomic_store, etc.)

  • So Increase is a non const function, are the copies of aPtr are the same std::shared_ptr for this context or not ?
  • Is this code thread-safe?
  • In any case why?

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