I have a member function in my class:
void handler(int pos, cv::Mat &image);
and have a member callback function for createTrackbar:
static void on_trackbar(int pos, void* ptr);
Then I create this functional object in another member function:
std::function<void(int)> bind_handler = std::bind(static_cast<void (my_class::*)(int, cv::Mat&)>(&my_class::handler), this, std::placeholders::_1, img_threshold);
slider = 0;
cv::namedWindow("Test Filter", 1);
cv::createTrackbar("threshold", "Test Filter", &slider, 255, on_trackbar, (void*)&bind_handler);
Then in on_trackbar I catch the void* ptr:
std::function<void(int)>* cb = static_cast<std::function<void(int)>* >(ptr);
(*cb)(pos); //<-- segfault
Compiled OK.
But when I touch the slider it goes to segmentation fault :(
Also I tried this code with lambdas but it segfaults too.
If I take std::shared_ptr<cv::Mat> thrsh_ptr
to handler lambda by [=] it segfaults too.
How to make it correctly?
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